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I loved it! It was very cute, I wanted more of their romance!

The voice acting was great,omg! And I liked having the opportunity to just not go on the date, it's a nice touch

Thank you!  I'm glad you liked it!

Fr3ak's design is so cute! I loved the joke of how the game translated what he was saying in parenthesis xD

also, the cthulhu's cg of him being super big and talking to the small bench where his son is was hilarious xd i loved that he told his son he would delay the end of the world to spend more time with him, lmao, love me a villain that's a good dad!

the reference to casablanca at the end but with romantic implications this time was great. now juniper and fr3ak can be happy together <3

Thanks!  I actually haven't watched Casablanca in ages, so it wasn't an intentional reference.  Still, a happy accident!



Drawing 2D graphics is fun and looks very unusual.

I love bright colors; this is an unusual approach to the story.


Rest of the book


A cool book, it's even voiced.

Why did they translate the child’s text and it’s so clear.

Cthulhu is a very bold reference I like.


Thank you for creating this book game.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it!