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(1 edit)

While the artwork is truly horrendous, and the game-play (that is to say; the web browser only option) is pretty bad, I am VERY happy to find this game.... mainly because there just isn't enough scene kid games out there.

....or ANY scene kid games out there. lol

(And I mean the actually artwork, the skills with which it is drawn. The character creation is brilliant, and very cute.)

And the writing itself is surprisingly good.
(Spelling aside --I realize it's for flavor, but it works best for chat and phone messages, not for writing the story.)

...I take back what I said about the writing.
It is NOT good.
....but somehow still strangely compelling.

The blunt honesty with a random stranger is also -really- weird and unnatural.

(The translation isn't strictly necessary either. It actually feels more in the way than anything. Even IF it makes reading easier.
My advice would be to balance out the accent a bit.
What did that book on writing say again....? 
Don't try and write the full accent. Pick keywords, and only
use the accent for -those- words.
(Imagine if Hagrid used a full-blown accent. You'd never understand shit. But him using certain words make it -seem- like he has a full on accent, while still making him possible to understand. (In the HP books I mean.)

The glaring open honesty that sounds like something you'd only tell your therapist, lack of subtext, and sounding like a phone chat rather than a conversation may be the game's biggest problem.

(Although practicing the 'show, don't tell' writing technique certainly wouldn't hurt.)

(Although the coding does not help. -Please- change to Ren'Py or something. Don't they have a pre-created set-up that's easy to use and looks good?)

If this is a rough preview of a possible game that is still in creation, I think the finished game actually might be a really good game.

I don't know if the creator is a beginner or just sloppy, but the idea is actually a pretty good one.

...assuming it's polished and taken seriously.
(The creating of the game I mean, not the game itself. The game does appear to be a bit crackfic like.)

But I'd love to see a proper version of this game, with a longer story and better artwork.

And also: CHOICES.

(Although that does seem to improve over time.)

Kudos on the choice to destroy the world or not. ^_^
(I'm all for darker choices. lol
And sometimes you have to deal with annoying people, and you just have to get it out of your system.)


This game is a lot better than it should, by all logic, be.

So please keep working on it, and make it a really great game. ^_^

I actually enjoyed it a lot.


If you read the description, you will see that this game was originally intended for 2 jams about making intentionally bad video games.  That's why the game is what it is.


Aaaah, I see. I must have missed that. 

It's too bad you don't seem to plan to improve upon it tho. Cuz I think it could be an amazing "bad-on-purpose-for-the-sake-of-humor but still actually well-made" kinda game.

It's tricky, I admit. But I've seen games that are incredibly well-made that appears bad, but actually are really good.
(As in: It's actually good writing and gameplay, but the drawings are intentionally bad in a way you see the art is made by someone good who put time into it, and the writing is well-made, not sloppy, yet somehow terrible on purpose.)

A.i: Game version of a crackfic. lol

Your game appears to not be bad on purpose, and more just bad cuz of lack of skill.

If you can see the difference. I'm not great at explain it I fear. ^_^;


You are being incredibly, unbelievably rude, and I do not appreciate it.  Constructive criticism is one thing, but this is a whole different level.  I'm astonished and repulsed.

this was the best game i ever played!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<

Aw, tysm! <3 I'm glad you liked it!

This made me laugh a lot, and it made me very nostalgic for early internet stories i used to read

That's lovely to hear! C:

I loved this! It was cute and charming from start to finish. The only thing I could think of as a criticism is that I just wanted more, to spend more time there with these two and perhaps other crazy friends of theirs. Ultimately though, to me, that just shows this is a perfect slice of a perfect world with the perfect characters. What a killer aesthetic even typing in this font makes me feel all the more fondly about Cthulhu and his baby boy...the scene kid

Thanks!  I may want to make a sequel where FR3AK takes Juniper to a Scenecore Convention, so we'll see if that gets to exist in the future!

Credit where it's due—this is certainly an original premise for a visual novel, heh.  The voice acting was pretty well done, too, which is rare, so kudos to you all there~  I also got a kick out of how chill Cthulhu turned out to be, heheheh.


Thanks!  Glad you liked the game! C:

I loved it! It was very cute, I wanted more of their romance!

The voice acting was great,omg! And I liked having the opportunity to just not go on the date, it's a nice touch

Thank you!  I'm glad you liked it!

Fr3ak's design is so cute! I loved the joke of how the game translated what he was saying in parenthesis xD

also, the cthulhu's cg of him being super big and talking to the small bench where his son is was hilarious xd i loved that he told his son he would delay the end of the world to spend more time with him, lmao, love me a villain that's a good dad!

the reference to casablanca at the end but with romantic implications this time was great. now juniper and fr3ak can be happy together <3

Thanks!  I actually haven't watched Casablanca in ages, so it wasn't an intentional reference.  Still, a happy accident!



Drawing 2D graphics is fun and looks very unusual.

I love bright colors; this is an unusual approach to the story.


Rest of the book


A cool book, it's even voiced.

Why did they translate the child’s text and it’s so clear.

Cthulhu is a very bold reference I like.


Thank you for creating this book game.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it!